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Boxing Day Sale

Like every Balsam Hill sale, the Boxing Day Sale is a great opportunity to unwrap great savings and incredible value. While not currently ongoing, you can still learn more about it here.

When Is the Balsam Hill Boxing Day Sale?

It is held on or around the same time as the day after Christmas or December 26th, when Boxing Day is traditionally celebrated. Historically, the day is usually marked by giving gifts to service workers and those in need, symbolising goodwill and generosity. Over time, it has evolved into one of the most anticipated shopping events of the year, offering exceptional discounts and deals across a wide range of products.

What Will Be on Sale at Balsam Hill’s Boxing Day Sale?

Whether shopping for yourself or planning for the next festive season, the Balsam Hill Boxing Day Sale is the perfect occasion to discover great savings on premium Christmas décor. Here is what you may find on sale during this period:

  • Balsam Hill’s lifelike Christmas trees marked down from their regular prices, improving your chances of scoring your dream tree for less. You may even consider purchasing a secondary tree for another room or elevating next year’s display to a grand cluster of different Christmas trees to impress your friends and family.
  • Ornament sets, tree ribbons and garlands, and other Christmas tree decorations to help make your decorating vision a reality. Round out your collection with basic ornaments you can mix and match year after year or choose a special design you may have had your eye on.
  • Gift-worthy decorative items like snow globes to help you get a head start on next year’s Christmas list.
  • Elegant wreaths and garlands that bring a cheery vibe to any space. Choose from various decorated options, from rustic to modern, to match your home’s aesthetic.
  • Versatile home accents like candles and other tabletop décor at a deep discount.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Here are some answers to common questions regarding the Boxing Day Sale.

Do You Offer Free Delivery on Boxing Day Sale Orders?

Yes, Balsam Hill offers free delivery on all orders.

Are Boxing Day Sale Items Covered by Warranty?

Yes. Check the Balsam Hill Warranty Information page to learn more about the coverage and policies we offer. You can also read up on our returns and exchange policies here.

What Items Are on Sale?

You’ll find slashed prices on our best-selling Christmas trees, ornament sets, and other tree decorations. You might also see significant price reductions on seasonal greenery, outdoor décor, and other pieces you may have had your eye on, so check back on Boxing Day to see what items are available. Or better yet, sign up for our mailing list to be one of the first to get updates about our sales and promotions.

Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in timeless seasonal décor at unbeatable prices. Whether you’re restocking essentials, upgrading your tree, or exploring new decorating trends, Balsam Hill has everything you need to make next year’s Christmas even more magical.

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